The Clock is Ticking

Time flies by so quickly.  Over the weekend, the Ramos family came to visit us.  My family and I have known the Ramos’ for ten years.  Looking at my life as one who had moved around and 16-years-old, ten years is long time to know someone.  Alex is my age and we can talk about memories, school, goals, career and college choices, etc. after two years of occasional texts and conversations.  Even though we had not seen each other for those two years, we still had things in common and memories to discuss, as well as school and career plans to talk about and movies to laugh at.  The Ramos family has been such a blessing to us through the years.  Although there’s no one Jason’s age (10), he gets along with Alex and enjoys having an “older brother” type person to hang out with.  With Katie being Bethany’s age (14) and Anna being Rachel’s age (8), everyone has someone to hang out with.  Sadly, the Ramos’ are moving to Italy this summer, and although plans are already developing for a visit to Europe, I really cherished the time God gave us with some good friends.

When I zoomed out to the big picture, I saw that God wants us to cherish the time we have with Him while we live on the earth.  Now is when the believer develops a faith unlike one he will need once he is in God’s presence.  Now is when we have the opportunity to store up treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal (Matthew 6:19-20).  Now is when we have an impact on people for their eternity; once someone dies, we cannot help them.  The time is now.

In my life…

…it is time to focus on building my knowledge so that I can best serve God in any situation.

…it is time to share the gospel, no matter the cost.

…it is time to use my money and resources wisely so that I may best use them for God’s glory.

I am sure it is time for other things as well, but these are some that have come to my immediate attention.

The time is now.  Cherish the time you have with family, with friends, and with God.  There will be a time where situations, circumstances, and relationships will be very different.  Cherish the trials that will strengthen your faith, even when it seems impossible to cherish such a thing.

Cherish the time God has given you, and use it for His glory.